Nuvolar CoEUr

Nuvolar is a software architecture designed to automatically identify the most significant information in a multimedial content domain. It has four main functions:
  1. The core: it enables to catch content, transcript spoken text, and identify important terms and their connections;
  2. Enjoy: it allows both free and assisted research, and the use of its content;
  3. Note: it enables its users to create personal playlists, with the results of your own research;
  4. Share: it allows to share Nuvolar playlists on social networks, with the possibility to include a personalized message and collect a feedback.
Through such platform, this Jean Monnet Module led to the creation of Nuvolar coeur, through which to collect and systematize written, video and audio texts on the theme of European communication. Through the creation of a semantic network, Nuvolar coeur allows to identify the relationships between the most significant words and, thanks to the use of tags, the materials are classified into macro-categories.
In particular, it involves:
linking the main semantic relationships within the wider dimension of European communication;
create a digital archive and multumediale, navigable via PC and Mac and optimized for Google Chrome.
More information can be found here